Welcome to MotorV8's news page - here you will find all of our latest news and announcements, as well as links to stories when we've appeared in local newspapers or on the radio.
We've also been sharing our latest news on our Facebook and Instagram pages, while you can read our latest blog posts below.
Pat latest to join our growing team
We are delighted to welcome the latest instructor to the MotorV8 team.
Patrick Sweeney has joined us and is already taking lessons with learner drivers.
"Pat brings great skills from his previous career and is already proving himself to be an excellent MotorV8 driving instructor," says Sarah Kennedy, MotorV8 founder and owner.
"It is wonderful to have him on the MotorV8 journey with us as our expanding team goes from strength to strength."
You can read more about Pat on the Meet the Team page.
MotorV8 Driving School has been getting noticed - we've featured in the Eastern Daily Press (EDP), the Lynn News and Your Local Paper, as well as appearing on Radio West Norfolk. Click on the newspaper names or the images below to read the stories on their websites.
We were also in the limelight came when the EDP asked Sarah to provide her top tips for learner drivers looking to stay on track during the most recent Covid-19 lockdown. You can read the full story here or by clicking the photo below.